Saturday, August 31, 2019
Stray cat consoles me. I was walking home from a night out with a girl which didn't really end up how I was hoping. After 90 mins sulking on the train this little guy came to console me, so I sat on the pavement for five mins while he/she cheered me up. Its the little things that matter.
This rabbit and ground squirrel having lunch.
Caught these two chillin together
Here, you can hve one
I’ll protect you, little human
Our puppy and kitten are approximately the same age and are quickly becoming “best friends.”
She gets her hangovers from her dad. Every Saturday am til 3pm
My cat bringing me his prey
Alright you two, knock it off.
Waiting for the new couch like ...
Dog sees friend after a week.
When ya get to the house and say hey to pupper
Doggo, defender of chicks
This doggie who wants you to stop hitting yourself.
I said no fighting Garfield.
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Arbitrator
A beautiful but deadly Jurassic Park.
You’re my super-favorite friend.
Our puppy was neutered a few days ago and has to be quarantined in order to keep him calm. He and our older dog have been apart since then, but today big bro was allowed to visit for the first time.
Jack helping hang drywall for the remodel.
Former Secret Service dog wins UK award for stopping White House intruder in 2014
No need
First I stretch, them i make baby better
Pug brothers think they’re a wolf pack. Sound on 😂
When the sun is out they're calm and get along.
Cow playing with their tiny pig companion
We all need a friend like this
An absolute win.
The gang’s all here
Biggest bro on the planet.
Just casually chilling in the pool
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Stray dog gets a sumptuous snack, sacrifices her needs, and instead feeds her puppies
“Uhh, my bro is going to be okay in there, right? He’ll come out of there unharmed, right, bro?”
Hey how do I look in a cap?
My back, my back.
My dog happily sharing her favorite spot with her new little brother.
Whale saves a seal from Orcas by letting it ride its fin
All the elephants rush in to rescue a baby that fell into the drinking water
CRP Dog Showing Off His Skills
"this is mine now.... haha Just kidding"
Service dog and therapy dog
Elephant parent comes to its babies rescue
Crosspost from r/gifs Silverback gorilla stops the traffic for his family
Another day as an Airforce brat
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Bees under attack from hornets recover a fallen soldier
Wish I had a friend that waited on me
Oreo just re-certified for another 2 years to be a pet therapy dog. Today I had the most awful and sad day. Although she’s not my emotional support dog, she clearly felt I needed her; and I really did. 🐶
Cow lick.
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Cindy the baboon gently moving a bug away from her snack.
First time my dog has met my partner. I’m not jealous at all…
Farm Dogs 🐕
The doggo took her puppy whose heart had stopped due to the cold in Istanbul to a veterinarian