
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Momma deers rescues her scared baby off the road.

Michigan State senior cornerback Josh Butler brought his dogs, Roxy and Remi, into Spartan Stadium as he was introduced before the game against Maryland. Butler's parents both died during his college tenure and he and chose to walk with his dogs on senior day. -mlive

These two love to snuggle together

Meow and Sasha. First time Sasha let Meow cuddle with her.

I miss you, Bounce🐻❤️

Young cat mom.

Koala hugging another koala.

Snuggle Buddies

Zimba approves of the holiday decor

Quinn treats Willow like her baby

Both my staffie (who 5 years ago wouldve eaten a cat) and my cat are best bros and always cuddle up to each other.

Baby’s best friend

I left my bedroom door open last night, and this morning a bunch of the kittens decided to snuggle up against my leg. What a great way to wake up!

Traditional family photo complete for another year

Vikky copying Brika

Not feeling great, so these two made a point of laying on me, 24/7 my bros even on ruff days :-)

Work hard, not smart.

Since we're posting about feeding squirrels, here's me at the Grand Canyon! Also once I ran out he bit me

Friday, November 29, 2019

Wumpus and Flurry napping after running around the house

Beluga whale saves an iPhone from the sea.

These two guys love to cuddle

An OG.

Jaxi & His Kitty!!!

Round 2: let the snoring begin!

Just a Koala... having some lunch. San Diego, CA

Sleep tight, buddy. I got you

My boys!

Reading To Animals Program At The Shelter Has An Overwhelming Positive Response

Saw someone else’s video of them ALMOST feeding a squirrel, so here’s video I took last spring


Fuzzy Calf moos for his friends

Eli the cat and Jenny the rabbit, best of friends

I’ve perfected my squirrel call. Was so close to getting dude to grab this pecan from me. I think if it would have been a fresher pecan he would have took it.

Was cat sitting my homie Milo and he got me SHOOK

Hey lemme stop you right there

Thursday, November 28, 2019

To much turkey for these two

Helping his new baby sister feel at home ❤️

A cat that lost her kittens was given a abandoned kitten, such a bro move from the mother cat.

Growing old together.

Cat helping out their pupper friend

Dog protects his owner

Absolutely adorable pic (taken by @Henrythecoloradodog) ! I can hardly find words for the cuteness!

She’s not allowed on the coffee table but I let it slide this time. Not disappointed in the result

She’s a Photogenic doggy

These cats 2 year anniversary

Thanksgiving sugars to the Son she always wanted.

Not mine (from r/nononoyes) cat helps feed rat

cat plays with squirrel. x-post dont rememeber... from. :) yuk

Skunk and Possum - ADOPT always!!! (They are rescued)

Mother raccoon pulling her kid up a wall while her other two hold her steady.